Exam Syllabuses We Teach:
Ballet Australasia Limited (BAL)
We teach the BAL syllabus for all ballet, all character and one syllabus of the two we teach for tap.
New Zealand Association of Modern Dance (NZAMD)
We teach the NZAMD syllabus for all jazz, contemporary and one of the two tap syllabuses.
International Dance Technique (IDT)
We teach the exciting new syllabus of IDT in conjunction with our other exam classes. Exams do not have to be entered for this syllabus but is a great syllabus for working on technique and strengthening jazz elements and flexibility.
Exam Info

The majority of our classes are exam based. We teach exam work because we believe it gives you something to work towards while improving and strengthening work as you move through the grades. Dance Exams are an excellent way for your dancer to be guided through a standard syllabus which provides them a goal to work towards and the building blocks necessary to achieve that goal. Your dancer will also develop improved physical training, goal setting, respect and discipline as well as confidence.
While exams are not compulsory they are highly recommended for all those in the classes. The exception for this is BAL tap as all exam work is done one by one. Anyone in these classes in term 2 and 3 will be required to sit the exams.
Exam Dates

Exams are all held at the studio.
BAL exams are mid-late August each year.
NZAMD exams are September usually in the last three weeks of term (not usually the last week).
Exam Costs

Exams range greatly in cost and get more expensive as you go through the grades. Entry costs are one of per year per grade and range from $60-$250.
Requirements for entering your exam

- Paying exam entry in full by due dates (usually May / June).
- Purchasing full uniform as per uniform page and wearing to class weekly.
- Attending a full dress rehearsal / practise exam at the studio this is usually a weekend or late night for seniors in the month before exams.
- Attending the exam dance competitions held at Forrest Hill in August.
- Attending the mid term concert held just before the BAL exams in August.
- There will be extra lessons in July holidays for all exams classes so it is recommended you are available to do these as exams are generally a few weeks into term 3 so not a good idea to have too much time off.
- Not missing too many weekly classes lessons and practising at home.
Additional Costs for Exams
On top of the exam fees and uniform purchases there may be a few small additional costs these include although not all required.

- Exam dance entry fee (approx. $15 per dance).
- Dress rehearsal fee ($5-$10 per rehearsal).
- Practise DVDs – available for some grades ($15-$20 per grade).
- Movitae – online practise at home (approx. $10 per term).
- Practise music cds (approx. $10-$20 per grade).
- Syllabus for practise at home (approx. $20-$30 per grade).
- Engraving costs of $10 per trophy awarded at prizegiving at the end of the year.
What Will I Get For Sitting The Exam
All students who sit their exams will receive a report card and grading from the examiner (usually available a few weeks after exams).
All students who sit their exams will receive a certificate from the exam organisation handed out at prizegiving at concert time. If not present at prizegiving can be collected from studio in the new year.
All students who sit exams and also attend term 4 (concert) i.e. complete a whole year will receive at prizegiving a medal and certificate and trophies also awarded. All of this is awarded at prizegiving at the concert.